We went, we swum and we conquered. Silver City Blues are the top club club in Scotland having won the 2012 Scottish Masters Nationals. In addition to winning 79 gold, 49 silver and 37 bronze medals we broke seven Scottish records and won 5 age group trophies. Kevin Reynard won the 2011 men’s Decathlon, Rachel […]
Posts in the 1 category:
SCB 22nd Open Masters Results
1-4 5-8 9-12 13-17
22nd Open Meet Draft Programme
SCB draft 3 Please see attached draft programme. if you have any queries please contact Hilary.
Well done to Kim Chang who swum at the CAMPEONATO ESPAÑA MASTER NATACION and took home 4 golds, 1 silver and some fantastic PB’s:)
SCB 2012 Swim Meet ENTRY FORM
The Silver City Blues 22 Open Masters Championship Swim Meet will take place on Saturday 18th February 2012. ENTRY FORM now available for Download Word. PDF. The flyer can be Downloaded or viewed. Summary of event: Start warm-up 12.00. WESTHILL SWIMMING POOL, ABERDEEN AB32 6XZ (Under S.A.S.A. Rules) Licence No. LI/303/ND/FEB11 Events 200m Freestyle 100m […]
Training Times
After many successful years at Kincorth, the club has moved training on both Tuesday and Thursday evenings to the new pool at Cults Academy. See the Training page for details.
Training at RGU Sport
An additional training session will start on Wednesday evenings at RGU Sport from 7pm-9pm from the 21st September. This will be run as 2 lanes for a 2 hours session and one lane for 2 one hour sessions. For directions, follow this link.
Training at Kincorth
Training at Kincorth will return to normal from Tuesday 16th August.
Inverclyde Masters 9th/10th September
The next meet on the Masters calendar is the Inverclyde Masters Meet in Greenock. This is a very well run meet, with an opportunity to swim most events, including an 800 free on the Friday night. There is a top club trophy which would be great for SCB to win. See the Inverclyde website for […]
British Gas Masters 2011
Congratulations to Audrey, June, Day, Martin, Aivaras and Bill who did so well at the weekend and brought back 4 gold, 9 silvers and 5 bronzes medals:) See here for the Results