Hi all,
There are quite a few events and deadlines coming up over the next few weeks, so we thought it was best to put all this information in one email rather than multiple emails coming into your inboxes. Please feedback if you find this useful, and we can look to send something round more regularly as required.
Thursday 4th August – closing date for entries to the North District Masters Meet in Inverness on 20th August. All the meet info can be found here. If you would like to swim in a relay at this event, please fill in the doodle pollhttp://doodle.com/poll/7w26a4kzhzgxbwnk. If you would like to car share to Inverness please contact Dianne who is coordinating this.
Saturday 6th August – closing date for entries to Inverclyde on 9th/10th September. Meet information can be found here:http://www.swiminverclyde.com/. If you would like to be in a relay team in Inverclyde please fill in the doodle pollhttp://doodle.com/poll/eh6nsqir3b2suptg. If you would like to car share to Greenock please contact Dianne who is coordinating this.
Saturday 6th August – Doon the Dee. See pages 7 and 8 of Blooz Nooz for all the details. Anyone who wants to do it but has not told Brian yet must email him by this Saturday (16th July) . Helpers are also needed for logistics/safety support on the bank.
Saturday 13th August – SCB Club BBQ at Jenny and John’s house – 3pm onwards. All members and partners/family welcome! David will shortly be putting out a list of what to bring along on the day. Hope to see lots of you there!
Other Items
- Brian is currently organising a group of people to do some underwater photos for a fundraising calendar. Preparations are underway and 21 members are currently signed up to star in the photos. This will be lots of fun so please sign up or speak to one of the committee at training if you are keen to get involved and we will add you to the email group for this!!!
- Heather has had a great response for the SCB holdalls and will be able to get them at £28 each. Please contact Heather as soon as possible if you would like one
- Thank you to everyone who responded to the annual survey, the committee are working through the responses and will be issuing a summary report and response to many of the comments.
SCB Committee