
Brian’s “cool” holiday to Poland

In February 2022, SCB’s very own Brian Bain travelled to Glogow in Poland, along with 8 other GB swimmers, to take on the icy challenge of the World Ice Swimming Championships. To put into context how much of a challenge this is, the water temperature varied from 3 – 3.5˚C and there were no wetsuits allowed!!

The swims were held in a river which had a 25m 10- lane pool constructed within it. Of the 10 events on offer, Brian swam in 6 of them (100, 250, 500 and 1000 metres freestyle, 100 metres Individual Medley and 50 metres Backstroke) and won gold medals in them all  – a really amazing achievement. If this wasn’t enough, Brian is now the world record holder for 3 of these events.

There was a great write up in this month’s edition of Outdoor Swimmer magazine which can be found here.